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Cornwall & Hidalgo, An Enduring Connection
by Bridget Galsworthy Estavillo, Marion Symonds and others.
Foreword by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall

Deluxe hard-cover limited edition
Size: 23 x 30 cm
120 all colour lavishly illustrated pages
“Cornwall & Hidalgo, An Enduring Connection” tells the story of the Cornish miners who migrated to Mexico during the 19th century. It is a book that celebrates the historical and cultural connection between the two far-flung communities of Cornwall in the U.K. and the State of Hidalgo in Mexico. This is a story of determination, courage and in many instances, of great necessity. It is a story that both amazes and inspires, and in recent years has formed the basis for extensive research and documentation.
“Cornwall & Hidalgo, An Enduring Connection” is one of the few publications focused on the men and women involved in this extraordinary historical episode: their lives, beliefs and traditions, the food they ate and the games they played, those who to stayed and their legacy. It is the most important historical connection between people from Mexico and Great Britain, sharing a common past and a common heritage of honour, pride and courage, notwithstanding time or distance.

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